对于开发者来说,最熟悉的调试工具之一莫过于 google
的 console
控制台。那为什么周一会想到要来整理 console
的快捷键呢,原因在于,最近在开发中,有较大的控制台使用频率。用着用着发现,每回想要点按光标或者hover等功能时候,都得鼠标移进移出的,这其实有一点影响开发效率。于是带着这个困扰,周一踏上了整理 console
关于 console
功能 | Mac OS | Windows / Linux |
打开最后一次使用过的面板 | Command+Option+I | F12 or Control+Shift+I |
打开Console面板 | Command+Option+J | Control+Shift+J |
打开Elements面板 | Command+Shift+C or Command+Option+C | Control+Shift+C |
功能 | Mac OS | Windows / Linux |
展示控制台中的 settings 设置面板,可以按Esc退出 | F1 or Function+F1 | F1 |
切换到下一个面板 | Command+] | Control+] |
切换到上一个面板 | Command+[ | Control+[ |
切换到上一个曾经使用过的面板位置 | Command+Shift+D | Control+Shift+D |
切换设备的模式(手机/网页模式) | Command+Shift+M | Control+Shift+M |
切换到检查元素的模式(光标模式) | Command+Shift+C | Control+Shift+C |
打开 Command 菜单 | Command+Shift+P | Control+Shift+P |
拉出 抽屉 | Escape | Escape |
普通刷新 | Command+R | F5 or Control+R |
强制刷新 | Command+Shift+R | Control+F5 or Control+Shift+R |
搜索当前面板的文本(仅支持Elements、Console、Sources、Performance、Memory、JavaScript Profiler和Quick Source) | Command+F | Control+F |
打开抽屉里面的搜索(这里可以搜索所有已加载的资源) | Command+Option+F | Control+Shift+F |
打开Souces面板里面的某一个文档 | Command+O or Command+P | Control+O or Control+P |
放大面板 | Command+Shift++ | Control+Shift++ |
缩小面板 | Command+- | Control+- |
恢复初始化面板的大小 | Command+0 |
Action | Mac | Windows / Linux |
撤销 | Command+Z | Control+Z |
重做 | Command+Shift+Z | Control+Y |
选择已选择元素的上一行/下一行 | 向上↑ / 下↓箭头 | 向上↑ / 下↓箭头 |
展开当前已选择元素的节点(如果当前节点已经被展开,那么这个快捷键将会去选择在这个节点下面的元素) | 向右箭头→ | 向右箭头→ |
折叠当前已选择元素的节点(如果当前节点已经被折叠,那么这个快捷键将会去选择在这个节点上面的那个元素) | 向左箭头← | 向左箭头← |
展开/折叠当前已选择节点,和展开/折叠已选择节点的所有子节点 | 按住option并且点击左/右箭头 | 按住Control+Alt并且点击左/右箭头 |
将当前已选择元素切换为属性可编辑的模式 | Enter | Enter |
选择下一个/上一个可编辑的属性 | Tab / Shift+Tab | Tab / Shift+Tab |
隐藏当前已选择的元素 | H | H |
将当前已选择选择切换成 Edit as HTML 的模式 | Function+F2 | F2 |
Action | Mac | Windows / Linux |
Go to the line where a property value is declared | Hold Command then click the property value | Hold Control then click the property value |
Cycle through the RBGA, HSLA, and Hex representations of a color value | Hold Shift then click the Color Preview box next to the value | Hold Shift then click the Color Preview box next to the value |
Select the next / previous property or value | Click a property name or value then press Tab / Shift+Tab | Click a property name or value then press Tab / Shift+Tab |
Increment / decrement a property value by 0.1 | Click a value then press Option+Up Arrow / Option+Down Arrow | Click a value then press Alt+Up Arrow / Alt+Down Arrow |
Increment / decrement a property value by 1 | Click a value then press Up Arrow / Down Arrow | Click a value then press Up Arrow / Down Arrow |
Increment / decrement a property value by 10 | Click a value then press Shift+Up Arrow / Shift+Down Arrow | Click a value then press Shift+Up Arrow / Shift+Down Arrow |
Increment / decrement a property value by 100 | Click a value then press Command+Up Arrow / Command+Down Arrow | Click a value then press Control+Up Arrow / Control+Down Arrow |
Cycle through the degrees (deg), gradians (grad), radians (rad) and turns (turn) representations of an angle value | Hold Shift then click the Angle Preview box next to the value | Hold Shift then click the Angle Preview box next to the value |
Increment / decrement an angle value by 1 | Click the Angle Preview box next to the value then press Up Arrow / Down Arrow | Click the Angle Preview box next to the value then press Up Arrow / Down Arrow |
Increment / decrement an angle value by 10 | Click the Angle Preview box next to the value then press Shift+Up Arrow / Shift+Down Arrow | Click the Angle Preview box next to the value then press Shift+Up Arrow / Shift+Down Arrow |
Increment / decrement an angle value by 15 | Click the Angle Preview box next to the value then press Shift, click / mouse slide on the Angle Clock Overlay | Click the Angle Preview box next to the value then press Shift, click / mouse slide on the Angle Clock Overlay |
Action | Mac | Windows / Linux |
Pause script execution (if currently running) or resume (if currently paused) | F8 or Command+\ | F8 or Control+\ |
Step over next function call | F10 or Command+' | F10 or Control+' |
Step into next function call | F11 or Command+; | F11 or Control+; |
Step out of current function | Shift+F11 or Command+Shift+; | Shift+F11 or Control+Shift+; |
Continue to a certain line of code while paused | Hold Command and then click the line of code | Hold Control and then click the line of code |
Select the call frame below / above the currently-selected frame | Control+. / Control+, | Control+. / Control+, |
Save changes to local modifications | Command+S | Control+S |
Save all changes | Command+Option+S | Control+Alt+S |
Go to line | Control+G | Control+G |
Jump to a line number of the currently-open file | Press Command+O to open the Command Menu, type : followed by the line number, then press Enter | Press Control+O to open the Command Menu, type : followed the line number, then press Enter |
Jump to a column of the currently-open file (for example line 5, column 9) | Press Command+O to open the Command Menu, type :, then the line number, then another :, then the column number, then press Enter | Press Control+O to open the Command Menu, type :, then the line number, then another :, then the column number, then press Enter |
Go to a function declaration (if currently-open file is HTML or a script), or a rule set (if currently-open file is a stylesheet) | Press Command+Shift+O, then type in the name of the declaration / rule set, or select it from the list of options | Press Control+Shift+O, then type in the name of the declaration / rule set, or select it from the list of options |
Close the active tab | Option+W | Alt+W |
Toggle the Navigation sidebar on the left | Command+Shift+Y | Control+Shift+Y |
Toggle the Debugger sidebar on the right | Command+Shift+H | Control+Shift+H |
Action | Mac | Windows / Linux |
Delete all characters in the last word, up to the cursor | Option+Delete | Control+Delete |
Add or remove a line-of-code breakpoint | Focus your cursor on the line and then press Command+B | Focus your cursor on the line and then press Control+B |
Go to matching bracket | Control+M | Control+M |
Toggle single-line comment. If multiple lines are selected, DevTools adds a comment to the start of each line | Command+/ | Control+/ |
Select / de-select the next occurrence of whatever word the cursor is on. Each occurrence is highlighted simultaneously | Command+D / Command+U | Control+D / Control+U |
Action | Mac | Windows / Linux |
Start / stop recording | Command+E | Control+E |
Record a reload | Command+R | Control+R |
Replay a selected XHR request | R | R |
Hide the details of a selected request | Escape | Escape |
Action | Mac | Windows / Linux |
Start / stop recording | Command+E | Control+E |
Save recording | Command+S | Control+S |
Load recording | Command+O | Control+O |
Action | Mac | Windows / Linux |
Start / stop recording | Command+E | Control+E |
Action | Mac | Windows / Linux |
Accept autocomplete suggestion | Right Arrow or Tab | Right Arrow or Tab |
Reject autocomplete suggestion | Escape | Escape |
Get previous statement | Up Arrow | Up Arrow |
Get next statement | Down Arrow | Down Arrow |
Focus the Console | Control+` | Control+` |
Clear the Console | Command+K or Option+L | Control+L |
Force a multi-line entry. Note that DevTools should detect multi-line scenarios by default, so this shortcut is now usually unnecessary | Shift+Return | Shift+Enter |
Execute | Return | Enter |
Expand all sub-properties of an object that's been logged to the Console | Hold Alt then click Expand![]() | Hold Alt then click Expand |
Search Tab
Search Tab,顾名思义,可以说是搜索的抽屉。
Action | Mac | Windows / Linux |
Expand/collapse all search results | Command+Option+ | Control+Shift+ |