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这里附上官网最全的 typora 快捷键指南,详情地址戳:




FunctionHotkey (Windows/Linux)Hotkey (macOS)
NewCtrl + NCommand + N
New WindowCtrl + Shift + NCommand +Shift + N
New Tab(Not Supported)Command + T
OpenCtrl + OCommand + O
Open QuicklyCtrl + PCommand + Shift + O
Reopen Closed FileCtrl + Shift + TCommand + Shift + T
SaveCtrl + SCommand + S
Save As / DuplicateCtrl + Shift + SCommand + Shift + S
PreferenceCtrl + ,Command + ,
CloseCtrl + WCommand + W


FunctionHotkey (Windows/Linux)Hotkey (macOS)
New ParagraphEnterEnter
New LineShift + EnterShift + Enter
CutCtrl + XCommand + X
CopyCtrl + CCommand + C
PasteCtrl + VCommand + V
Copy As MarkdownCtrl + Shift + CCommand + Shift + C
Paste As Plain TextCtrl + Shift + VCommand + Shift + V
Select AllCtrl + ACommand + A
Select Line/Sentence Select Row (in table)Ctrl + LCommand + L
Delete Row (in table)Ctrl + Shift + BackspaceCommand + Shift + Backspace
Select Style Scope Select Cell (in table)Ctrl + ECommand + E
Select WordCtrl + DCommand + D
Delete WordCtrl + Shift + DCommand + Shift + D
Jump to TopCtrl + HomeCommand + ↑
Jump to SelectionCtrl + JCommand + J
Jump to BottomCtrl + EndCommand + ↓
FindCtrl + FCommand + F
Find NextF3 / EnterCommand + G / Enter
Find PreviousShift + F3 / Shift + EnterCommand + Shift + G / Shift + Enter
ReplaceCtrl + HCommand + H


FunctionHotkey (Windows/Linux)Hotkey (macOS)
Heading 1 to 6Ctrl + 1/2/3/4/5/6Command + 1/2/3/4/5/6
ParagraphCtrl + 0Command + 0
Increase Heading LevelCtrl + =Command + =
Decrease Heading LevelCtrl + -Command + -
TableCtrl + TCommand + Option + T
Code FencesCtrl + Shift + KCommand + Option + C
Math BlockCtrl + Shift + MCommand + Option + B
QuoteCtrl + Shift + QCommand + Option + Q
Ordered ListCtrl + Shift + [Command + Option + O
Unordered ListCtrl + Shift + ]Command + Option + U
IndentCtrl + [ / TabCommand + [ / Tab
OutdentCtrl + ] / Shift + TabCommand + ] / Shift + Tab


FunctionHotkey (Windows/Linux)Hotkey (macOS)
StrongCtrl + BCommand + B
EmphasisCtrl + ICommand + I
UnderlineCtrl + UCommand + U
CodeCtrl + Shift + `Command + Shift + `
StrikeAlt + Shift + 5Control + Shift + `
HyperlinkCtrl + KCommand + K
ImageCtrl + Shift + ICommand + Control + I
Clear FormatCtrl + \Command + \


FunctionHotkey (Windows/Linux)Hotkey (macOS)
Toggle SidebarCtrl + Shift + LCommand + Shift + L
OutlineCtrl + Shift + 1Command + Control + 1
ArticlesCtrl + Shift + 2Command + Control + 2
File TreeCtrl + Shift + 3Command + Control + 3
Source Code ModeCtrl + /Command + /
Focus ModeF8F8
Typewriter ModeF9F9
Toggle FullscreenF11Command + Option + F
Actual SizeCtrl + Shift + 0(Not Supported)
Zoom InCtrl + Shift + =(Not Supported)
Zoom OutCtrl + Shift + -(Not Supported)
Switch Between Opened DocumentsCtrl + TabCommand + `
Toggle DevToolsCtrl + Shift + I-


在开头的快捷键文章链接中,也向大家展示了如何在系统中新建一个 app 的快捷键,具体可戳地址地址进行详细了解。

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